Life is not a movie

Life is not a play

Life is not a video clip

Life has no soundtrack

Life has no songs

I’m not a star

I’m not an actor

I’m not a singer …

Life is made for those who are alive

It is made for those who want to be alive

What makes you feel alive?

What makes you keep going on and on?

Even with all your doubts,

Why are you still alive?

What do you live for?

Do you live your life for yourself?

Or do you it for someone else?

Or do you live it for everybody else?

I guess we should live our life for ourselves…

But why I still think that is everybody obligation to care about other people’s minds?

I think that everyone must care about the ones arround them. But that’s not everybody who cares about it…

I decided to do. I decided to care. I’ve stopped to live just to myself and started to live thinking  about everybody else arround me.  For this I had to become an actor, and I made to my life became a great theater. When I did it, started searching for songs to fit in every part of my life. Different movies and video clips became a model of what I wanted to feel and wanted to make everybody else feel too.

But life is not a movie, a play or a video clip… It has no soundtrack or even one song… I’m not a star, an actor or a singer…

But who cares?

As long as I’m happy with the way I’m living my life. I don’t care if it is real or if it is a big illusion… I’ll keep acting.
